
The simple dirty http client

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The simple dirty http client library for ruby

$ gem install hypetext

Using HypeText

require 'hypetext'
@client = HypeText.new
google = @client.get_by_url("http://www.google.com")
puts google[:body]
require 'hypetext'
@client = HypeText.new
post = @client.post_by_url("http://www.google.com", {:params=>{"key"=>"value"}})
puts post[:response].code

Get and Post methods

@client.get_by_url("url string", {options hash})
@client.post_by_url("url string", {parameters hash}, {options hash})

Advanced HypeText

You can pass in a default client timeout or turn off ssl cert verification

@client = HypeText.new({:timeout=>10, :ssl_verify=>false})

(All requests will time out after 10 seconds and raise a HypeTextExecption::TimeoutError)

You can define a custom RootCA

@client = HypeText.new({:rootCA=>"/my/custom/cert.ca", :ssl_verify=>true})

You can add params to a get or post using a hash

@client.get_by_url("http://example.com", {"key"=>"value"})
@client.post_by_url("http://example.com", {"key"=>"value"})

You can add custom headers (like cookies)

@client.get_by_url("http://example.com", {:parameter=>{"key"=>"value"}, :headers=>{"cookies"=>"my_cookie_string"}})
@client.post_by_url("http://example.com", {"key"=>"value"}, {:headers=>{"cookies"=>"my_cookie_string"}})

You can even override the client's timeout for a specific call

@client.get_by_url("http://example.com", {:timeout=>1})
@client.get_by_url("http://example.com", {:parameter=>{"key"=>"value"}, :headers=>{"cookies"=>"my_cookie_string"}, :timeout=>30})